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FedEx My Rewards Account Enrollment Issues

By Last updated on: May 31, 2024

If you’re a frequent user of FedEx services, you might already be aware of the My FedEx Rewards program. But have you enrolled yet? If not, you’re missing out on various advantages that can save money and entitle you to money-back guarantee refunds on ground and home delivery shipments. We have seen FedEx My Rewards account enrollment issues for some clients.

Why Sign up for the My FedEx Rewards Program?

The My FedEx Rewards program provides dedicated customers with a range of benefits. These include exclusive discounts on select services, cash back on select shipments, and money-back guarantee refunds only available to enrollees. In addition, the My FedEx Rewards program also offers personalized support from a dedicated account manager. You will have a single point of contact who can aid you with any questions about your shipping needs. But what if you are a member and are not receiving any benefits? 

FedEx My Rewards Benefits

Ensure your Proper Enrollment of the Account Number

You must ensure your FedEx account number links to FedEx My Rewards. Do you see the last four digits of your account number? If not, you must go to the homepage and start enrollment.

FedEx My Rewards Linked Account List

Ensure all FedEx Shipments are Present, Ground & Express

FedEx Ground and Home Delivery Packages Missing?

Another FedEx My Rewards account enrollment issue we see is an incorrectly set up account. We recently had a client enroll in FedEx My Rewards but never get any refunds for late home delivery shipments. Upon inspection, we found only express shipments present in the transaction history. FedEx My Rewards was not set up correctly.

How to Fix FedEx My Rewards Account Enrollment Issues

The client had to email FedEx directly at to request the deactivation of his My Rewards account. He received a response in 24 hours. It took two emails, the first asking FedEx to deactivate the My Rewards accounts. He then sent a second email asking them to re-enroll the account.

After deactivating his account, he could sign up for FedEx My Rewards again with the same account number. The new enrollment now included express and ground shipments. As a result, he then got refunds on his late ground and home delivery shipments. The FedEx My Rewards account enrollment issue was completely fixed.

What Should FedEx My Rewards Look Like?

My FedEx Rewards
Brian Gibbs

Author Brian Gibbs

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Brian Gibbs | President of Refund Retriever

Brian Gibbs founded Refund Retriever in 2006 while running his first eBay-based business and seeing the shortcomings of other shipment auditing companies. Refund Retriever's primary focus is FedEx and UPS parcel invoice auditing. After graduating from Texas A&M University in 2001, he graduated from the University of Houston in 2004 with a JD and MBA. Gibbs has been featured in Forbes, Entrepreneur, and other publications discussing parcel auditing, shipping, e-commerce, and more. Learn more at or call (800) 441-8085 for more information.

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