Refund Retriever is on top of the refund technology game. Refund Retriever started back in 2006 with one UPS and one FedEx account. We could have tracked and estimated a week’s worth of packages in a few hours by hand if we needed. Disputes were all done with a phone call.
Do you audit your FedEx and UPS invoices?
Of course, now this is unnecessary due to the refund technology we have developed. Since then, we have grown beyond our wildest dreams, with millions crossing our threshold each week. Our programming is built and maintained in-house, and we process all invoices from beginning to end.
So what makes Refund Retriever’s technology so great?
Observance. We benchmark our success rate and efficiency daily. We constantly monitor our automation processes to pinpoint inefficiencies and determine improvement areas. In addition, UPS and FedEx change various aspects of tracking, invoices, and other data sources regularly, so we must continually update our processes to reflect these changes.
Over the past few months, we have noticed inconsistencies in FedEx’s disputing. Is refund technology dead? Not in the least. Our automation is exceptionally reliable, but FedEx sometimes returns issues within online billing. Refund Retriever recognizes this issue and implements daily phone calls to billing services to get all the refunds that our clients deserve. Many of our competitors do not take that extra step.
Every week we query our clients’ accounts to be sure we have 100% of the invoices and packages shipped by that client. As soon as that invoice is processed in our system, it is reflected in our client interface. All of our reports pull real-time data.

UPS processing goes a step further. We will download and process the past six months’ invoices if you already have UPS Online Billing setup. For the past six months, we have built refund technology to monitor and dispute duplicate packages and un-voided labels. It does not matter if the parcel was collect or a third-party charge; we will find it and have the cost refunded.
Refund Retriever sniffs out all of your late packages and billing mistakes. Grab the refund tiger by the tail and let Refund Retriever take your auditing headaches over. Let late parcel recovery reduce your shipping and logistics costs each week.